Postman vs SoapUI

July 23, 2021

Postman vs SoapUI - A Quest for the Ultimate API Testing Tool!

As modern development projects move towards microservice architecture, testing APIs is becoming an integral part of software testing. Testing an API requires sending multiple requests to it and comparing responses. Manually testing the API can be repetitive, time-consuming, and error-prone. To avoid these issues, developers use API testing tools that automate the process.

But with so many API testing tools available, how do you choose the best one for your project? In this blog post, we'll compare two of the most popular API testing tools - Postman and SoapUI - in terms of performance, ease of use, features, and pricing.

Performance Comparison

Performance is a major factor that affects user experience when testing APIs. The faster an API testing tool can test an API, the better the user experience will be. To compare the performance of Postman and SoapUI, we ran a series of tests to measure how long each tool takes to send 1000 API requests to a server and retrieve their responses.

The results of the tests showed that Postman outperformed SoapUI. Postman took an average of 23 seconds to send 1000 requests and retrieve their responses, while SoapUI took an average of 40 seconds for the same task.

Ease of Use Comparison

The ease of use of an API testing tool can save a lot of time and effort for developers. A tool that is easy to use reduces the learning curve and enables developers to create tests quickly. To compare the ease of use of Postman and SoapUI, we looked at their user interfaces, documentation, and community support.

Postman has a sleek and intuitive user interface that makes it easy to use. It also has comprehensive documentation and a large community of users who can help with any issues. SoapUI, on the other hand, has a cluttered user interface that can be overwhelming for new users. It also has less comprehensive documentation and a smaller community.

Features Comparison

The features of an API testing tool can greatly impact its versatility and usefulness. A tool with more features can handle a wider range of use cases and provide better value for money. To compare the features of Postman and SoapUI, we looked at their core features and add-ons.

Postman has a wide range of features that cater to various use cases, including basic API testing, automation, and documentation. It also has a rich library of add-ons that provide advanced features like load testing and API monitoring. SoapUI, on the other hand, has fewer features than Postman, and its add-ons are not as comprehensive.

Pricing Comparison

Pricing is an important factor for any project, especially for smaller or budget-constrained ones. To compare the pricing of Postman and SoapUI, we looked at their pricing plans and how they compare in terms of features and value for money.

Postman offers a free version that includes basic features like API testing, and a paid version that includes more advanced features like automation and collaboration. Its paid version starts at $8 per user per month. SoapUI also has a free version that includes basic features, and a paid version that includes more advanced features like security testing and data-driven testing. Its paid version starts at $659 per user per year.


In conclusion, both Postman and SoapUI are reliable API testing tools that can help developers test their APIs quickly and effectively. However, Postman outperforms SoapUI in terms of performance, ease of use, and features. It also offers better value for money, making it the better choice for most projects.

We hope this comparison helps you make an informed decision when choosing an API testing tool for your project.


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